
Our old biblical figures are still able to tell us something about who we are, where we’ve come from and where we’re going. 

Events are facilitated by Elizabeth Yaari or Peter Pitzele and enable people of all ages, faiths and abilities to deeply connect with one another, explore their personal interpretation of the Torah and express themselves using Bibliodrama, sound, movement, creative writing, visual art, nature connection, meditation and photography. 

“Elizabeth, I just wanted to write and let you know how much our congregation enjoyed your visit as a scholar-in-residence! The meditation you led on Friday night was deeply moving, and I was impressed that you were able to connect so quickly with more than 200 people in front of you. And then the dramatic text study you led on Saturday morning was engaging and provided us with an interesting twist. I have heard from dozens of Temple members who enjoyed your presence in both settings, and I’m glad we had the opportunity to connect with you and Hazon!â€

Rabbi Mark Miller, Temple Beth El, Bloomfield Hills, MI

“This was way WAY beyond what I thought it was going to beâ€

Workshop Participant
  • interactive – all events are participatory
  • interpersonal – we love to hear your story
  • co-creative – create with the group, no experience necessary
  • inquiry based – the questions have no right or wrong answers
  • experiential – learn by being a character in the Torah
  • whole person – deep listening and speaking from the heart
  • multi-sensory – learn through imaginary or real senses
  • intergenerational – the young model creativity, the old wisdom
  • nature connection – sometimes all this is easier in nature
  • large scale art projects – huge painting, sound or movement
  • creation of sacred space – circle gatherings with ritual

“People in our community want to engage in authentic conversation, deep mutual understanding and self expression. This is exactly what Explora-Torah doesâ€

Workshop Participant

“Thank you for an extraordinary experience. I am enriched by your inspiration! We cannot thank you enough for finding new ways to engage our community in Torah learning!â€

Shellie Dickstein The Jewish Education Project

Noah, How do You Walk with God?

A close up of the water color paint on a wall

As Noah, experience a direct connection to the animal and plant world. Confront Noah’s choices and build an altar

The Saga of Abraham and Sarah

A close up of the water color paint on a wall

Explore several moments in the life of Abraham and Sarah and discover our own place  in the family today.

“Never before had I connected so deeply with the troubling story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar, Now I will never think of it again without the intimate connection to my own lifeâ€

Workshop participant

Jacob’s Dream

A close up of the water color paint on a wall

As Jacob’s dream story unfolds we begin to understand our own spiritual journey and who is accompanying us.

“Wow, you taught me things I had no knowledge ofâ€

Workshop participant

The Bones of Joseph

A close up of the water color paint on a wall

Discover how a reconnection with Joseph’s bones may be a pivotal moment in history and inform our choices for the future. 

Mmmmm. Elim

A close up of the water color paint on a wall

Discover what Elim has to offer the Children of Israel after the flight from Egypt and examine the opportunities opening up for the group in this new found freedom.

Aaron’s Rod

A close up of the water color paint on a wall

Whittle your own rod as you discover not only its biblical use but how you may benefit from it today.

Sanctuary Builders

A close up of the water color paint on a wall

Design and experience sacred space first as it was described in the Torah and how it may be structured in our own lives today.

“I like how I can connect the bible story so closely to my own. It feels so real†

Workshop participant

Sacrifice on Rosh Chodesh

A close up of the water color paint on a wall

Explore the meaning of sacrifice, it’s implications for the individual and community of today and tomorrow. 

“You are just so creative, I never even knew you could study the Torah like thisâ€

Workshop participant


A close up of the water color paint on a wall

Explore the command to go to the place of isolation, the healing that takes place there and the voices of the people left behind. 

Standing on the Banks of the Jordan

A close up of the water color paint on a wall

Discover the qualities it takes to cross from one chapter of life to another. Our stories will provide the backdrop and momentum for the creation of a large collaborative painting. 

The Red Heifer

A close up of the water color paint on a wall

Discover the deep cleansing personal purification ritual performed before Passover and experience the role of the mysterious Red Heifer in biblical times and in our future.

“You took a really tough Torah portion and had a really tough crowd, but you reached us in ways we would never have thought possibleâ€

Rabbi and workshop participant

Bedtime Ritual

A close up of the water color paint on a wall

Discover a deep, timeless bedtime ritual for adults and children and create a pillow to last a lifetime.

“You just did my three Elul sermons with that puppet: Forgiveness, Gratitude and Prayerâ€

Rabbi and workshop participant

“To tell you the truth, I never knew my husband had that inside him. His work is really beautiful. Thanks for bringing this out in him. He enjoys your workshops so muchâ€

Wife of workshop participant

animations by genolve